
Eldercare is a journey. The first step is gathering information.

Care giving for an aging parent, spouse, domestic partner or close friend presents tough challenges…especially when a crisis hits and responsibility descends upon you suddenly.

Maybe your mother has fallen…perhaps due to instability caused by prescription drug side effects…and is hospitalized with a broken hip. Or your spouse has wandered off and become lost several times. Or a long-time friend and mentor has lost a lot of weight and rarely seems to leave home.

Care giving descends upon us in all sorts of ways – through sudden crises or a series of small but unsettling mishaps and warning signs. You may be the only person to step in or you may simply be the linchpin of a large network of family members and friends willing to help.

Whatever the situation, you’re not sure of the next step. Or even the first step. If you are looking for guidance in how to deal with aging parents, we hope these resources will make your journey a little smoother.

Aging & Seniors

Programs and Services for Seniors

Canada Benefits Finder

Seniors Benefits

Canadian Home Care Association

Tax Info for Seniors

Public Guardian & Trustee – BC

The Care Guide

Share Your Experience

Benefits MyWay

Online Insurance Quotes

Millions of Canadians are without adequate insurance.

Use our online tools to learn more about affordable insurance solutions.


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